
Aji Nugroho

I hope CTCI can receive more participants quota in the next period. I am very satisfied with the activities that motivated and inspired me. I am very interested in exploring and living in Taiwan. CTCI led me to get a way to start a career in this beautiful place. I hope for the future, CTCI can channel our talents and abilities to Taiwan enterprise in an organized recruitment. I hope CTCI members who have taken an enterprise trip to be privileged in recruitment. During the program, I was motivated to understand Mandarin better. I love Taiwan more and want to understand Taiwanese culture. I feel fortunate to make a friendship with the great guys from many nations during the program. I also feel proud to interact with the good, great, and humble crews. I hope all can be maintained for the program in the next period. I hope that during CTCT studies can provide research collaboration. In the case of facilitating research publications and conferences, I think the enterprise can more easily see the field specialties that we are experts in. I have some research that I want to publish. I'm sure the other CTCI members also have it and want to publish it. CTCI has provided research scholarships, and I think that is very interesting to follow. Maybe,I think CTCI team has worked very well.