
Think Tank

Since 2005, CTCI Foundation had begun providing services of knowledge renewal. As such, developing a professional think tank in environmental and energy fields became one of our prioritized objectives.

      Holding an open-minded and forward standpoint, we invite energy, environmental and industrial technology specialists, both from local regions and abroad, to undergo studies and discussions with regards to what are considered as urgent topics on energy, environmental, and economic developments in Taiwan. An integration of technological finding and understanding follows to construct a think tank platform full of pragmatic experience and specialized news.

      Over the recent years, subjects of greenhouse gas reduction, use and development of contaminated lands, levy of energy tax, renovation of industrial sites, energy pricing policies related to global warming, cross-strait carbon asset management and development, assessment of material flow, adjustment to climate change and environmental energy technological information all fall in fields which our foundation has been focusing on and promoting for an extensive period of time.

      Although changes of global current and pulse follow those in the greater environments, it still cannot precisely predict and prevent what the future will unfold. Therefore, as non-profit institution, our mandate is to gather specialists in related fields to conduct independent studies and offer advices which in turn help shape environment and energy-related political policies and strategies. In our vision, we strive to bring political policies to meet technical aspects. In fulfilling our duty, we as the think tank on environmental and energy development can also continue to serve useful and meaningful purposes.