
馬智文/Marko Novak(南台科技大學-克羅埃西亞)

<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I would like to try to describe my thoughts on this visiting tour. First of all, thank CTCI Foundation for choosing me to become part of this visiting tour and thank all the accompanied staffs for your kindness during the trip. This trip is very valued because it gives me so much experience that I could not possibly imagine before this trip. Lovely accommodation and field trip in the last day was great combination of business and joy; I could say it is a wonderful and memorable all-in-one visiting tour. <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During our visiting, I saw lots of practical business which I do not have any chance to see in any courses at university. I saw how companies are operating and heard plenty information about them. This kind of tour where you have showed us all the best companies in their particular industry is an extraordinary experience, because I personally was never introduced in any similar company. Certain niches in which they are doing businesses are very interesting in this international economy because it gives them extra added value of profits to their products.