
毛沙敏/Moustafa Emara(交通大學-埃及)

<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I got your invitation letter that you have chosen me to be with you on that trip. It was a great opportunity to have a chance like that and to be selected from a long list of foreign students. I have been here in Taiwan for almost one year since September, 2014; but I never really been to such exciting journey. Thank you for giving me that opportunity <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The visit for the companies was well organized. We had enough time in every company to explore them in depth and how everything works. The hosting companies tried explaining everything in detail for us and often request for more questions about what they do. I had the opportunity to visit many companies from different perspectives; such as energy generation, renewable energy generation and Aerospace industry. Moreover, we had a chance to interact with different participants coming from different countries and different universities. This tour really expanded in multi-ways and I would like to recommend this to others international students who want to explore the technology and innovation side in Taiwan.