
羅士豪/Sergio José Rodríguez Méndez

This visit was quite interesting and it was a good learning experience. In overall, I think that all the activities were carefully planned and executed. I congratulate the CTCI foundation for the arrangement and making everything possible. Excellent job! Thanks very much for the great opportunity that you gave me to learn more about high-tech companies and organizations, meet new and awesome friends and to share with you all the great and fun memories. Please continue to plan and organize this activity in the future! In addition, I make several suggestions for the future activity. First, I thought that many participants were on the search for job opportunities. It would have been better if they could have had a direct contact with the organization’s personnel, in order to establish a connection for possible future job interviews. Therefore, I suggest taking into consideration the reasons of each participant to join the activity. Second, before the trip, if you already have the list of companies to visit, you could send to the participants a brochure with their information, so that the participants can have a chance to read about each company, and it may be even better for participants to “select” options for possible companies to visit before the trip, which could help both parties interact much better.