
Yohannes Mulugeta Hailu(台灣科技大學-衣索比亞)

The Enterprise visit started the journey at very first to InvestTaiwan Service Center, and then we visited Linkou Thermal Power Plant, Delta Group, Phison, A-Pro Tech and GPM one by one. In general, we were presented those companies’ profiles and demonstrated those companies’ real-time business activity. They also welcomed graduates for job application. While visiting, we had a conversation with the administrator, chief director and deputy director of the Company. Overall, we had super awesome experience from the enterprise visit. Finally and foremost I would like to give my warmest thankful to the organizing committee for giving me this opportunity to involve such an educational event that is crucial to develop practical skills. It gives me valuable information to decide to work in Taiwan’s companies after completion of my PhD study. Thank you very much indeed.