
畢杰/Bijay Prasad Jaysawal(成功大學-尼泊爾)

<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I am Bijay Prasad Jaysawal from Nepal. I am a Ph.D. student of Computer and Communication Engineering studying at National Cheng Kung University. I got a chance to join “2016 Enterprise Visit for International Graduate Students” organized by CTCI Foundation. I could say that CTCI Foundation has created a very good platform for international graduate students studying in Taiwan to gain some insight into Taiwanese industries, and the Taiwanese companies are also benefited by this event to attract international talents. The tour program included two days for industries visits and one day for excursion tour. All the arrangements were fascinating. This program gave me some idea about very good companies which attracted my interests, such as Delta Group, Gallant Precision Machining Company, and Phison Electronics Corporation. I also came to know about InvestTaiwan Service Center. I was really impressed with the concept of ITSC where Taiwan government wants to attract the international students to invest “their talents” in Taiwan. During the visit, I was really attracted by the Phison’s concept of social responsibility. They established a “Phison Farm” next to their headquarters, invited their employees to experience farming life and nature, and also associated their plants to some memorable events and collaboration with other companies. If I start a company in future, I will definitely adopt this interesting concept of Phison Farm. On the last day, the excursion tour included visiting Sun Moon Lake, Shuili Snake Kiln Pottery Culture Park, and CheCheng Station. All the places are beautiful where anyone can feel being close to nature. At last, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CTCI Foundation and its member for all their efforts and giving me an opportunity to join the event.