
艾迪森/Avichandra Singh Ningthoujam

It was my great pleasure to be a participant in the Enterprise Visit for International Graduate Student, 2016 organized by CTCI foundation. I learned lots of things from this trip. During the trip, some companies we visited taught me new ideas about the business models and their working environment, such as A-Pro Tech. Company and Gallant precision Machining Company. And some other companies taught me important lessons which I might not be well aware of before. For example, as we all know that thermal power generation emitted a lots of GHGs, the technology used by Linkou Thermal Power Plan to reduce the emission of CO2 was impressive. Besides, Delta Group has been using state-of-art energy saving technology and providing free electric charger for those employees who owned electric vehicles to save energy as well as to protect environment. Others technologies used in the elevators, lighting system and reserving rainwater for useful purpose are impressing. Finally, I was also inspired by the story of the Phison’s founder, Mr. Pen. The achievements achieved by him in such a young ages is outstanding, and it is a great honor to have this opportunity to have a face to face discussion with him.