
Sapta Setiawan

I feel very grateful to get a chance to join the 2016 Enterprise Visit for International Graduate Students event hosted by CTCI Foundation. From the beginning, I was planning to seek an experience to work abroad, so I decided to study to get my Master’s degree in Taiwan. I have an interest in microelectronics, especially in the semiconductor field, so I choose my major for my Master’s degree according to my interest above and hope that I can also be a part of Taiwan’s advanced semiconductor industry after I finish my master’s degree study. This Enterprise Visit event gives me a lot of knowledge about how to get a job in Taiwan as a foreigner, and also insight about the big companies in several fields, such as CTCI Corporation as a company working on construction engineering, Phison as a company working on electronics, Taiwan Hon Chuan as a company working on beverage packaging area, and also Hiwin a company working on automation and robotics. This visit makes me know what kind of working environment I will face when I work in Taiwan in the future. At first, I thought finding a job in Taiwan as a foreigner would be difficult because of the competition with the local talents is very tight. However, after joining this Enterprise Visit, I know which company are recruiting international talents, how to apply for a job. It makes me confident that I can get an offer to work in Taiwan after I graduated from university. I really want to get an experience to work in Taiwan’s advanced semiconductor industry, for it will not only good for me to learn Chinese and develop my skills in the industry at the same time but also could become a benefit for the company or even Taiwan in facing the globalization. I once again want to express my gratitude to CTCI Foundation who had given me a very good opportunity to join this Enterprise Visit, to experience a wonderful trip, and to get a lot of knowledge about Taiwan’s industry which will be very valuable for my own future. Thank you CTCI Foundation.