
Award Recipients List

The application deadline for the 2024 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship is September 10, 2024. The Research Scholarship received applications from 37 students across 8 schools and 37 departments. The Innovation and Creativity Scholarship (individual) had 24 applicants from 13 schools. The Innovation and Creativity Scholarship (team) saw 128 applicants from 18 schools, forming 34 teams. The Research Scholarship for Overseas Students attracted 51 international students from 8 schools, 51 departments, and 9 countries. The Bursary Award for Overseas Students had 42 international students from 8 schools, 42 departments, and 10 countries. The Scholarship Award for Excellence in Technical and Vocational Skills received applications from 26 students across 11 schools participating in the Industry-Academia Cooperative Education Program.

This year, the Review Committee has selected 27 recipients for the Research Scholarship, 16 teams for the Innovation and Creativity Scholarship, 27 recipients for the Research Scholarship for Overseas Students, 12 recipients for the Bursary Award for Overseas Students, and 23 recipients for the Technical and Vocational Skills Scholarship.

The award ceremony for the 2024 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship will take place at 10:00 a.m. on December 21, 2024, at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC).

The list of award recipients for the 2024 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship is provided below (Note: listed in alphabetical order by name).




